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How Does Air Filtration Work?

Air filtration is an amazing process that leads to high-quality air inside your home. There are many moving parts that work together to provide clean air for you and your family. Let’s examine how air filtration works.

Filter Media

First, the air passes through a filter media that catches any large particles. These particles can include dust, hair and insects. This is why it’s so important to change out your filter regularly. If this filter media becomes saturated with debris, no air can pass through at all, and the filtration becomes wholly ineffective.


Airflow is at the heart of air filtration. When the filter is clean, the maximum volume of air can pass through without hindrance. As debris piles up, less air can get through, although this is not necessarily a bad thing. When the filter is moderately full, the gaps become even smaller, and even smaller particles are caught. However, once the filter is fully clogged, no air can flow through.


Fibers are your primary way of controlling filtration. If your fibers are spaced far apart, less debris will be trapped. If your fibers are spaced close together, fewer particles will be able to get through. It might seem like there’s no reason to use anything but narrow fibers, but keep in mind that this will trap a large amount of debris. You will have to change the filter on almost a daily basis if you opt for these fibers. If you don’t mind allowing the most microscopic particles through, space out your fibers.

Implementing Air Filtration

Now that you know how air filtration works, it’s time to implement it in your home. Contact a service such as Oconee Climate Control in Eatonton, GA, for a quick and easy installation. We also offer season tune-ups, air quality assessments and emergency services. Don’t wait to give us a call and get your hands on pure, filtered air on demand!

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