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How a Heat Pump Can Keep You Cool in the Summer

Many homeowners believe that heat pumps only work in the winter, delivering heat to keep their homes warm. However, heat pumps also offer efficient cooling in the summer as well. To clear up the misconception, here’s an overview of how a heat pump can keep you and your home cool in the summer.

What Is a Heat Pump?

To understand the cooling capabilities of a heat pump, you must first understand a bit about what a heat pump is and how it operates. A heat pump exploits the refrigeration cycle to move heat from one place to another. It uses a refrigerant—commonly R-410A or R-134A—to absorb heat while it passes through one set of coils before carrying the refrigerant to another to release it. The trick is that a heat pump can operate in either direction, either collecting heat from the outdoor air or expelling it there instead.

Summertime Heat Pump Operation

In the summer, a heat pump operates just like a standard air conditioner. The cooling cycle starts when the refrigerant passes through an expansion valve, turning it into a cold, low-pressure liquid-vapor mixture. That mixture then passes through an evaporator coil inside your home while a fan circulates warm air past it. The refrigerant absorbs the heat from the air, cooling it down for distribution throughout your home.

As the refrigerant absorbs the heat, it boils into a complete vapor. Then it travels back outside, passing through a compressor that raises its temperature to between 120- and 140 degrees Fahrenheit. That makes the refrigerant hotter than the outside air, allowing it to expel its heat by passing through a condenser coil outside. Then, the cycle begins again.

Count on the Heat Pump Experts

Heat pumps are one of the most effective and efficient cooling systems you can buy for your Eatonton, GA, home. For over 20 years, Oconee Climate Control has provided expert HVAC installation, repair, and maintenance services for residential and commercial properties. We also offer indoor air quality, duct cleaning, and dehumidifiers.

For heat pumps and all your other HVAC needs, call the team at Oconee Climate Control today!

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